Church of St. Maurice, Bolton CT                                            

Rev. Michael Phillippino, Administrator     Rev. Richard Breton, Parochial Vicar

Contact Us



Church of St. Maurice

32 Hebron Road

Bolton CT 06043


(860) 643-4466 Parish Office


(860) 643-8374 Parish Center


Office Hours: Tuesday and Friday

                        10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


Parish Office





Weekly Schedule


Parish Membership


Donate Online


Sacramental Requests


A Brief History

Tower Saints



To reach Father Richard please call

(860) 288-4129

EFT Authorization Form



Mass Intentions

Masses can be offered for the intention of a loved one, living or dead, or for a specific appropriate intention.  Please contact the Parish Office at or (860) 643-4466.

Customary donation:

·      $20 for weekend Masses

·      $10 for weekday Masses

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